Laser Projectors

Sony VPL-PHZ61 vs VPL-PHZ60: What’s the Difference?

Sony VPL-PHZ61and VPL-PHZ60 are Rainbow-free 3LCD projectors with equal color and white brightness. Sony VPL-PHZ61 vs VPL-PHZ60, what is the difference between them? Check out

Buying Guide

Sony VPL-PHZ51 vs VPL-PHZ61- What’s the Difference?

As a laser projector, Sony VPL-PHZ51 and VPL-PHZ61 are impressively small, only measured at  422 x 100 x 333 mm. This writting will introduce how


Sony Introduces VPL-PHZ61 and VPL-PHZ51 the World’s Smallest Laser Projectors

Sony launched the VPL-PHZ61 and VPL-PHZ51, cliams to be the world’s smallest laser projectors with dimensions of 422 x 100 x 333 mm. The Sony