The Kodak Luma 350 Portable Smart Projector is a really budget-friendly option for projector buyers, with MSRP of $349.99. But we all know that price is not the only factor that we should consider, let shed some light on the Pros and Cons of this Kodak’s flagship product Luma 350 portable projector.

- Operating system
Kodak Luma 350 portable projector has integration of the Android 6 operating system, which make it rated as a smart projector. Users can install and run various Android apps on it.
- Light source and brightness
As a LED-based projector, Kodak Luma 350 portable projector adopts LED lamp as light source and its lamp lifetime us up to incredible 30,000 hours. Super long lifetime is the biggest advantage of LED projector. As for the brightness, Kodak Luma 350 portable projector offers only 200 ANSI lumens. Well it is a low brightness, but don’t forget its price, projectors among this price range generally are all rated at this brightness level.
- Image
Equipped with Texas Instruments DLP technology and a claimed 3,500:1 contrast ratio, Kodak Luma 350 portable projector offers a resolution of 854x480p, and works out to a 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio. All this specs together allows Kodak Luma 350 portable projector to produce above-par image quality.
- Conculusion
As a portable mini projector, Kodak Luma 350 portable projector produces a decent-size image for its brightness, as for the video quality, it is OK for casual movie viewing. But there is another point, most projectors provide 2-3 years warranty, but Kodak Luma 350 projector comes with only one year warranty.