Mark Davis
Mark Davis has been an excellent digital review editor in San Francisco for eight years and has a complete knowledge of cell phones, TVs, speakers and home theater DIY.
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Articles By This Author

Anker Nebula Apollo Projector WiFi Network Setting Tip
- . April 13, 2022
This Anker Nebula Apollo projector can be connected to the Internet via a wireless (Wi-Fi)connection. Here is the detailed setting tip. Steps for Connecting Anker

Screen Mirroring for iOS/Android Phone on Anker Nebula Apollo Projector
- . April 13, 2022
This is a detailed and complet guideline for all maintream smartphone (iOS/Android) screen mirroring on Anker Nebula Apollo Projector. Screen MirroringYou can wirelessly cast the

How to Add Pavement on CINEMOOD 360 Projector Account?
- . April 13, 2022
To purchase additional content or to install paid applications, you need to add a bank card in the CINEMOOD device’s account as a pavement. Steps

LG CineBeam Projector Internet Browser Troubleshooting
- . April 13, 2022
Please check the list below to troubleshoot the issue when you experience the following symptoms during use of the internet browser on LG CineBeam Projector.

How to Configure a Connector of Barco Balder CinemaScope Projector?
- . April 12, 2022
1. Press Menu to activate the menus and select Source. 2. Press OK.The Home / Source menu is displayed with the actual available sources filled

Can I Connect USB Drive to VILINICE VL208 Projector?
- . April 12, 2022
VILINICE VL208 Projector comes in multiple connections such as VGA, HDMI, USB… Really convenient for users who want to watch their own media on the

CINEMOOD Projector Button: Shortcut Tips
- . April 12, 2022
There are many button on CINEMOOD Projector, besides their regular key actions, they also provide some shortcut command. This tip here is to show you

How to Switch Scroll/Drag Mode on CINEMOOD Projector
- . April 11, 2022
You can only choose one mode from Scroll/Drag Mode while using CINEMOOD Projector, but it is convenient to swich between the two different modes. CINEMOOD

Tip for Using Control Pointer with CINEMOOD Projector Buttons
- . April 11, 2022
Except for using control pointer in CINEMOOD App, it is also possible to use control pointers with buttons on CINEMOOD projector. In FW version 2677

How to Replace lens of Balder CinemaScope Projector?
- . April 11, 2022
To replace lens of Balder CinemaScope projector, you have to learn about the lens lever firstly. The Balder lens mount and lens lever is designed

CINEMOOD 360 Projector App Update Guide
- . April 10, 2022
How to update/reinstall the APP on CINEMOOD 360 projector? 1) Connect the CINEMOOD 360 to the Wi-Fi network; 2) Go to the menu Apps and go to

CINEMOOD 360 Projector Ghost Image Solution
- . April 10, 2022
Ghost Image (Optical particularly) on CINEMOOD 360 projector Do you see a purple dot on the screen when you are displaying a dark image on

How to Change Brightness of CINEMOOD TV Projector?
- . April 10, 2022
How can I change the brightness of CINEMOOD TV? There is not possible to make the projection brighter by using the settings of the CINEMOOD

VILINICE VL208 Projector Image Spots Troubleshooting
- . April 8, 2022
If you find there are some spots on your projection image while watching VILINICE VL208 projector, under most conditions, it is because your lens gets

Why VILINICE VL208 Projector Lamp Is off Suddenly
- . April 8, 2022
If the VILINICE VL208 Projector’s lamp suddenly go off during watching, it is quite probably that the whole divice is overheated. Following the steps bellow

Does FANGOR F-206A Projector Support Bluetooth?
- . April 8, 2022
FANGOR F-206A Projector is pico minu projector under $100, does it support Bluetooth connection? The answer is no, it does not. Actually it does not

How to Make CINEMOOD TV More Energy Efficient?
- . April 7, 2022
Unlike the previous generation of CINEMOOD, which have fixed brightness settings, CINEMOOD TV has different modes that affect the rate of battery discharge. For example,

FANGOR F-206A Projector Speaker Connection Tip
- . April 7, 2022
FANGOR F-206A projector is not featured with Bluetooth and WiFi connection, so if you are looking to connect your speaker to FANGOR F-206A projector via

VILINICE 6500L Projector Sleep Timer Setup Guide
- . April 7, 2022
VILINICE 6500L projector is featured with sleep timer, allowing you to enjoy a movie night freely, and won’t need to struggle to turn it off

Why VILINICE VL208 Projector Shows No Signal?
- . April 6, 2022
If your VILINICE VL208 projector shows no signal on the projection screen, what should we do? Don’t worry, following the following steps you could fix